Maple Bacon Caramel Macarons

I seemed to have a large abundance of egg whites hanging out in my fridge, and just the right amount of almond flour hiding in my cupboard. I knew it was time. Time to tackle macarons again. But what kind shall I make?!?! I still had two little bottles of yuzu juice, and thought to myself “sweet christ, yuzu and strawberry macarons!”. It all sounded so perfect. I had everything I needed, and I was suddenly craving that citrusy yuzu taste somethin’ fierce.


…Until I opened the bottles and realized they had gone bad. I WAS SO SAD!

So I pondered what kind to make. Boring old strawberry? Lemon? Caramel? Bacon? Bacon. Always bacon.


Ended up making vanilla shells using Pierre Herme’s recipe, which a quick google search will bring you to, and filling them with a maple bacon caramel. Christ on a cracker are they ever good.


That, my friends, is a bowl full of sticky artery-clogging goodness. Heavy on the cream, heavy on the bacon, heavy on the maple. You might as well just skip a step and go straight to the hospital before you eat this shit, cause it’ll kill you. In the best possible way of course. All I did was throw some cooked chopped bacon in a pan with maple syrup until it was super reduced and bubbley, then mixed that in to a thick caramel that can be piped so that it holds its shape. Nomeriffic.


I couldn’t exactly pipe the bacon caramel onto these babies due to the bomb-ass bacon chunks, so I had to sort of spoon it and hope for the best. It all worked out fine.


So good.

I won’t show you my tray of under-baked macaron shells, so sad. Good for snacking, but just a right mess to get off of the silpat. I think my diet today has consisted of the following: macaron batter, caramel, bacon, assembled macarons, and a turkey bacon swiss sandwich….that’s all good for me, right? Right?! I feel a headache happening. I need some greens, stat!


4 thoughts on “Maple Bacon Caramel Macarons

  1. There seems to be quite a few sweet bacon recipes around at them moment. I’m not sure if I can quite get my head around bacon and cakes, or caramel, but these look extremely good! It definitely seems to be something I need to try.

  2. Artery-clogging goodness? Sign me up! I tend to use egg yolks in my cookies to make them chewier, so I always end up with a ton of leftover whites. Looks like I’ll be attempting macarons some time soon :).

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